Samsung Soundbar Sounds Muffled [Reasons & Fixes]

Soundbars greatly enhance the audio-listening experience on the soundbars. Sometimes, soundbars can produce muffled sound, which takes away all the fun.

In case, your soundbar is producing muffled sound, this guide is for you, in which we will provide you with a complete step-by-step guide that you can follow to get rid of the muffling issue.

Enough talking, let’s jump straight to the matter.

Steps for Fixing the Samsung Soundbar Producing Muffled Sound

People use the soundbars to enhance the audio-quality, there is no point in choosing a soundbar that makes muffled sound, as it takes away all the fun, and you have hard time listening to the dialogues and other details in the sound.

Luckily, if you have a Samsung soundbar that provides you with muffled sound, you can easily fix it.

Below, we have provided you with a complete step-by-step guide which you can follow to fix your soundbar with the muffled sound.

Step1: Checking the Connections

Checking the Connections

Most commonly, the muffled sound on the soundbar is produced due to poor connection. It’s the most common reason that people have the cramled sound on their soundbar.

There are various factors which can contribute to this, and involves several steps which we have thoroughly mentioned below, by following the steps you can fix a soundbar that produces muffled sound.

  • First of all, you will need to checkout the connection on your soundbar, as if the HDMI or the optical connection on the soundbar are loose you are not able to hear the best possible sound, and there are interfering noises, which takes away all the fun.
  • Likewise, you also need to checkout whether there is some kind of problem with the cable that you are using or not, if the HDMI (or anyother connectivity cable) is damaged, your soundbar can’t work on the full capacity. Thus, you need to check this out by using some replacement cable.
  • If you have placed the soundbar near an object that is having strong frequency, then your soundbar can also produced muffled or buzzing sound. So, check around for any such object.

Step 2: Check for Interference

Check for Interference

When there is some object placed in the path of the soundbar, or there is some object that is providing strong waves, your soundbar is prone to produce muffled sound. Below, we have mentioned some steps by following which you can check whether the soundbar is producing muffled sound due to this or not.

  • First of all, you need to ensure that there is no object placed in the path of the soundbar, as if there is any object placed in the path of the soundbar can produce muffled sound. Incase, there is some object, you need to remove it, otherwise, move on to next step.
  • In the second step, you need to make sure that there is no signal interference in the sound due to strong radio signals.
  • Also, you need to checkout whether the placement of the soundbar is right or not, as if the placement of the soundbar is not right, it can also produce muffled sound.

Step 3: Poor Equalizer Settings

Poor Equalizer Settings

In the third or final step, you need to checkout whether you have messed with your Samsung soundbar equalizer settings or not. Incase, you know that you have previously messed with the soundbar settings, you either need to get the best equalizer settings for the Samsung soundbar or you need to reset the Samsung soundbar to get the native audio settings back.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Does My Sundbar Produce Weird Sound?

The weird or muffled sound on the Samsung soundbars can be because of many underlying issues. Most commonly, this issue arises due to audio cable connection issue or interference problem.

Can I Fix a Soundbar Producing Muffled Sound?

The weird sound on the Samsung soundbars is mostly made due to poor connection, interference in the sound path, or poor equalizer settings. These are the most common reasons for the muffled or weird sound on the Samsung soundbars.

Can I Fix the Muffled Sound on the Samsung Soundbars?

Yes, you can fix the muffled sound on the Samsung soundbars. Most commonly, this issue is made due to poor connection, hindrance, and equalizer settings, above, we have provided you with a complete step-by-step guide that you can follow to fix the muffled sound issue on the Samsung soundbar.

Can Poor Equalizer Settings Make Muffled Sound?

Yes, when you have poor equalizer settings on the soundbar, it can produce a muffled sound. In case, you have previously changed the equalizer settings, you need to factory reset the soundbar to get rid of the issue.


Samsung soundbars are known for their crisp, and mersemirizing sound quality, however, there are times, when due to various reasons, the Samsung soundbar can produce muffled sound.

This guide is specifically for the people who are seeking solution to the muffled sound on the soundbar due to various reasons, as here, we have provided you with complete solution to the muffling issue on the Samsung soundbars.

The solution that we have provided you above have been personally tested by us, and work out perfectly.

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