LG Soundbar Bluetooth Lock Issue Fix [Step-by-Step]

LG soundbar comes with a dedicated lock function, which allows you to restrict other devices from connecting to the LG soundbar.

Due to this feature, sometimes, you are unable to connect your own Bluetooth devices to the soundbar.

The good news here is that you can quickly resolve the issue by turning off this safety feature in a matter of seconds.

So, without wasting any further time, let’s check out the procedure in detail.

Fixing the LG Soundbar Bluetooth Lock Issue

Fixing the LG Soundbar Bluetooth Lock Issue

As already told, the LG soundbar comes with a lock feature, which restricts the soundbar from connecting to the new Bluetooth devices.

The majority of people don’t know about this feature, and the people who know often don’t have a clue how to turn off the feature once turned off.

Therefore, below, we have compiled the complete procedure for turning on, and turning off the Bluetooth lock function on the LG soundbar.

  • First of all, you need to turn on the soundbar.
  • Afterward, you need to put the soundbar into the Bluetooth mode.
  • When you are done putting the LG soundbar in Bluetooth mode, you need to press and hold the “Play/Pause” buttons on the soundbar for about 3 seconds, and you will see the “Bluetooth Lock ON/OFF” depending upon the current position of the Bluetooth.
  • Likewise, you have to turn on/turn off the soundbar by repeating the same procedure.
  • In this way, you can easily toggle between the turning-on and turning-off of the soundbar Bluetooth lock issue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Bluetooth Lock Function?

The Bluetooth lock function on the LG soundbars is a dedicated safety feature, which does not allow foreign devices to be connected to the soundbar. This means, that when you have turned on this feature on the soundbar, you are unable to connect new devices to the soundbar.

Should I Turn on the Bluetooth Lock Function?

Well, it’s a safety feature, and whether you should turn on this feature or not totally depends upon you. If you are facing an issue in which someone is trying to connect the soundbar to their Bluetooth device, then you can turn on this feature.

Do All the Soundbars Come With the Bluetooth Lock Function?

No, not all the soundbars come with the Bluetooth lock function. Only a handful of the soundbars out there come with the Bluetooth lock feature.

Is It Necessary to Be in the Bluetooth Pairing Mode for Enabling/Disabling the Lock Function?

Yes, it is necessary to be in the Bluetooth pairing mode on the soundbar in order to enable/disable the lock function on the soundbar. Without being in the Bluetooth pairing mode, you cannot toggle the lock feature.


The LG soundbar comes with a dedicated feature known as the Bluetooth Lock, which locks the soundbar from connecting to other devices.

By using this safety feature, you can restrict newer devices from connecting to the soundbar.

In this article, we have provided you with complete steps which you can follow in order to turn off the feature, so, you can connect your devices with the soundbar.

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