Polk Signa S2 Troubleshooting [Fixes]

The Polk Signa S2 soundbar can encounter different issues that disrupt the entertainment. If you are facing any issues with your POLK Signa S2 soundbar, this guide is for you.

In this detailed guide, we have provided you with common issues, and their solutions that can happen on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar.

That being said, let’s jump straight into the matter, and check out how you can resolve the issues.

Common Issues With the Polk Signa S2 Soundbar

Common Issues With the Polk Signa S2 Soundbar

There are some common issues with the Polk Signa S2 soundbar that can happen on the soundbar and hinder its performance.

The issues that can occur on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar range from no sound to subwoofer not working, and beyond.

Below, we have provided you with a complete list of the issues that can occur on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar, and how you can resolve these issues.

By following this quick and simple guide, you can easily diagnose and resolve the issues on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar.

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer Not Working

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer Not Working

When a soundbar comes with a dedicated subwoofer, it has a better low-frequency response as compared to those that don’t come with a dedicated soundbar.

Due to certain problems on the soundbar, the subwoofer on the soundbar can stop working on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar, as it does on a variety of other soundbars.

Here, we have compiled a complete step-by-step guide that you can follow to resolve the issue in which the Polk Signa S2 subwoofer does not work with the soundbar.

  • When your Polk Signa S2 soundbar is not working with the subwoofer, the first thing that you need to do is to power cycle the soundbar as well as the subwoofer.
  • After you are done power cycling (rebooting) both devices, you need to press the “LINK” button on the subwoofer for about three seconds. Likewise, you also need to press the “Bluetooth” + “Volume +” button on the soundbar, now light will blink on the soundbar indicating that the connection process has been started.
  • In the third and final step, you need to reset the soundbar, and then try the connection procedure once again on the soundbar.

Polk Signa S2 No Sound

Polk Signa S2 No Sound

One of the most frustrating issues you can face on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar is the no sound issue. In case you are not getting the sound through the soundbar, and instead getting the sound through the soundbar, don’t get worried.

Here, we have resolved this issue for you, by providing you with all the steps that you need to follow in order to get rid of the no sound issue on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar.

1. Check the Volumes

Check the Volume

Often, we do not pay enough attention to the simple things, and the problem lies in these simple things. We do recommend checking the volume on the soundbar, as well as the TV.

If the volume of the TV or the soundbar is muted, you can face volume issues on the soundbar. Therefore, you need to check whether the volume isn’t muted on either of the devices. Likewise, you also need to check the volume, if the volume on the soundbar is too low, you won’t be able to hear the sound on the soundbar.

2. Select the Right Input Type

Select the Right Input Source

Very similar to the above-provided point, if you do not select the right input on both the soundbar and the TV, you can face no volume issues.

Therefore, you need to select the right input on both the soundbar and the TV. If you do not select the right input on both devices, you can face such issues in which there is no volume on the soundbar.

3. Check the Connections

Checking the Connections

When the connections on both the soundbar and the TV become loose, you are very likely to get no sound.

Thus, you need to check out the connections on the soundbar, if the cables are not inserted properly, you need to insert the cables into the soundbar, and the TV.

If you are able to resolve the issue, you can quit the procedure, otherwise, you need to move on to the next steps.

4. Check Out the Cables

Checking Cables

A damaged connectivity cable on the soundbar can also cause a no-sound issue. So, if you are not getting the sound out of your soundbar, you also need to check out the connectivity cable on the soundbar.

In case, your connectivity cable is damaged, you need to replace it with a newer one. Alternatively, you can also use the alternative connectivity type on the soundbar, which means, if you were previously using the optical connection on the soundbar, you can now use the HDMI connection, and vice versa.

5. Reboot Both the Devices

Rebooting All the Devices

Simply rebooting the soundbar can help you get rid of many issues, including this one, in which the soundbar and the TV do not make any sound.

The process for rebooting the TV, and the soundbar is pretty straightforward. First of all, you need to plug in the TV.

Afterward, you need to unplug the TV/soundbar from the power socket and wait for at least 30 seconds before replugging the TV/soundbar back into the power socket.

When you finally plug the soundbar/TV into the power socket and turn on the TV, it will be fully rebooted.

6. Reset the Soundbar

Reset the Soundbar

The final step that you can take on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar is to reset it to get rid of the issue. Resetting the soundbar erases the cache, and other system settings on the soundbar, hence, you need to reset the soundbar in order to get rid of the issue.

Below, we have provided you with a complete guide regarding the resetting of the soundbar.

  • First of all, you need to turn on the soundbar.
  • Afterward, wait for at least 15 seconds.
  • Now, press the “Input” + “Bluetooth” buttons on the soundbar simultaneously.
  • The soundbar would restart now, blinking lights, indicating that the soundbar had been completely reset.

Polk Signa S2 Lights Flashing/Blinking

Polk Signa S2 Lights Flashing

The Polk Signa S2 soundbar would start flashlight lights when it’s trying to connect to the subwoofer, and when it fails to connect to the subwoofer, it would also flashlights in such a case too.

In order to get rid of the issue, you need to connect the Polk Signa S2 soundbar to the subwoofer. Above, we have provided you with the complete step-by-step procedure that you can follow on the Polk soundbar to resolve the issue.

Polk Signa S2 HDMI Arc Not Working

Polk Signa S2 HDMI Arc Not Working

One of the best connectivity options that you have on the Polk Signa S2 is via using the HDMI cable. HDMI cable allows you to enjoy seamless audio.

Certain underlying issues on the Polk Signa S2 can hinder the soundbar from working with the HDMI ARC port.

The good news here is that most of these issues are very minor, and can be resolved without seeking any kind of expert help.

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to fix the Polk Signa S2 HDMI ARC not working issue.

  • First of all, you need to check whether the HDMI ARC cable is properly inserted or not. Often the cable is not properly inserted on either the soundbar or the TV, thus it does not work properly.
  • Next, you also need to check out the Input on both the soundbar and the TV. Even if the “Input Type” is selected to Auto, you need to get it to the HDMI.
  • Replacing the HDMI cable on the soundbar is another great way of fixing the issue in which the soundbar just does not work on the cable connection.
  • Rebooting both the soundbar, and the TV is another cool way to fix the issue in which the soundbar, and TV don’t work over the HDMI connection.

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer No Power Light

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer No Power Light

If your Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer is showing no power light issue, then you need to check out the switch, and the power cable, as these two things are responsible for the no power light issue on the soundbar.

So, you need to check out the Polk Signa S2 subwoofer’s power cable, as well as the power socket. If either of these things is malfunctioning, you need to check them out. 

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer Cutting Out

Polk Signa S2 Subwoofer Cutting Out

In the majority of the cases, the Polk Signa S2 subwoofer causes the subwoofer cutting out issue due to the large distance between the soundbar, and the subwoofer. If you are able to reduce the distance between the soundbar, and the subwoofer, and the subwoofer, you can easily fix the issue of the subwoofer cutting out.

Apart from this, simply rebooting the soundbar also resolves the cutting-out issue on the soundbar, and the Polk Signs S2 subwoofer.

Likewise, if none of the above-provided solutions workout for you, then you need to fully reset the soundbar.

In order to reset the Polk Signa S2 soundbar, you need to press and hold the “Input” + “Bluetooth” buttons on the soundbar, until you see all the lights blinking on the soundbar.

When the soundbar restarts, it will be fully reset, and in ideal case scenarios, there won’t be any subwoofer-cutting sound issues.

Polk Signa S2 Not Turning On With the TV

Polk Signa S2 Not Turning On With the TV

If your Polk Signa S2 soundbar is not turning on with the TV, don’t get worried, you can resolve the Polk Signa S2 not working with the TV issue.

Here are the Complete Steps for Resolving the Polk Signa S2 Soundbar Not Turning On With the TV:

  • First of all, you need to power cycle the TV, as well as the soundbar.
  • Afterward, you need to check out the connections on the soundbar as well as the TV.
  • In the third step, you need to change the cable on the soundbar to a newer one, as changing the cable on the soundbar to a newer one resolves the issue.
  • Another crucial step here is that you need to ensure that the HDMI CEC option on your soundbar, and the TV is enabled, as without this, your TV won’t start automatically with the soundbar.
  • Lastly, you need to reset the Polk Signa S2 soundbar in order to get rid of the issue in which the soundbar does not turn on automatically with the TV.

Polk Signa S2 Not Connecting to the TV

Polk Signa S2 Not Connecting to the TV

If your Polk Signa S2 soundbar is not connecting to the TV, you have to suffice with the native TV speakers, which are not so good with the sound.

Luckily, there are some quick fixes that you can try on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar to get rid of the issue in which the soundbar just does not connect to the TV.

Here are the Steps For Fixing the Polk Signa S2 Soundbar Not Connecting to the TV:

1. Power Cycle Both the Devices

When the Polk Signa S2 soundbar is not connecting to the TV, the first step that you need to follow is to power cycle both devices, which means you need to reboot both the soundbar and the TV.

Rebooting the soundbar, and the TV is a straightforward procedure, you first need to take off the plug from the soundbar and wait for at least 30 seconds before replugging the soundbar/TV back into the power socket.

2. Check out the Input/Output

Sometimes, a little mistake like not selecting the right input and output on your devices goes a long way. Hence, selecting the right input and output method is crucial.

You need to select the right input method on the soundbar, which means, that if you are using HDMI connectivity, you need to make the connection method on the soundbar HDMI.

On the other hand, if you are using the Optical connection method, you need to select it.

Likewise, you also need to select the Audio output on the TV, and if the audio output on the TV is not correct, you won’t get any sound through the soundbar.

3. Check the Connection

Checking the connections on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar is also equally important. You need to check whether the HDMI/Optical cable is properly inserted into the soundbar and the TV or not.

If the cable is properly inserted into the soundbar, and TV, you need to move ahead to the next steps.

4. Check out the Cable

The cable that you are using might be damaged, which is causing the no connection issue. You need to thoroughly check out the cable for any sort of damage, and in case, the cable is damaged, you need to replace the cable to get rid of the issue.

Even after replacing the cable did not resolve the issue, and you are still facing the same problem, you need to move ahead and try the other provided solutions as well.

5. Check out the Distance (Wireless Connectivity Only)

You need to follow this step only when you are using the wireless connectivity on the soundbar. When you are using Bluetooth connectivity in order to connect the soundbar to the TV, and there are connection issues, then you need to check out the distance between the soundbar, and the TV (especially, when you have placed the soundbar behind you).

If the distance between the soundbar, and the TV is huge, you need to bring both of these devices closer.

6. Switch the Connectivity Method

Another excellent way to bypass all the problems related to the cable, connections, and distance is by switching the connectivity type.

By now, you must be thinking about what does it mean. Well, switching the connectivity type of the soundbar means that you need to use another connection method. For example, if you were previously using an HDMI ARC connection, now you need to use the optical connection, and vice versa.

When you shift the connectivity type on the soundbar, you can get rid of plenty of problems on the soundbar.

7. Reset Both the Devices

The last option that you can try on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar to get rid of the problems is to reset both the soundbar and the TV.

Simply resetting the soundbar, and the TV can help you get rid of the no connection issue on the soundbar.

Below, we have provided you with a complete method for resetting the soundbar, and the TV.

How to Reset the TV:

  • First of all, you need to turn on the TV.
  • Afterwards, you need to get the remote, and open the “Menu”.
  • When you have opened the menu, you need to click on “Settings”.
  • Go to the “System” settings.
  • Click on the “Reset” option.
  • Confirm the Reset and your TV will now get reset.

How to Reset the Soundbar:

  • Turn on the soundbar, and wait for at least 15 seconds.
  • Afterward, you need to press the “Input” + “Bluetooth” buttons on the soundbar simultaneously for 10-15 seconds.
  • Now, you will see lights blinking on the soundbar, which means that the soundbar has been reset

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the Common Issues That We Can Face on the Polk Signa S2 Soundbar?

Most commonly, you will face connectivity, power, and audio issues on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar. It is not that these are the signature issues of the Signa S2, however, when the issues arise, these are the most common ones you are going to have on the soundbar.

Is Polk Signa S2 Prone to Problems?

Well, the Polk Signa S2 is not prone to problems as such, however, just like any other soundbar out there, you can face issues on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar as well.

Why is My Polk Signa S2 Soundbar Not Connecting to the TV Over Bluetooth?

The most common reason that we observed that the Polk Signa S2 soundbar does not connect to the TV using Bluetooth is the long distance between the soundbar and the TV. To resolve the issue, you need to bring the soundbar, and the TV closer to each other.


The Polk Signa S2 soundbar is an excellent quality soundbar that comes with excellent sound performance.

There are certain issues that you can get on the Polk Signa S2 soundbar. In this guide, we have provided you with a complete list of the problems that can arise with the Polk Signa S2 soundbar and the potential solution that you can try on the soundbar to get rid of the issue.

What issue did you face on the Polk soundbar, and how you were able to resolve the issue, you can tell us in the comments section below, we would love to hear from you.

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