How to Connect Yamaha Soundbar to WiFi? [Remote & Without Remote Method]

Yamaha soundbars are one of the finest quality soundbars available in the market, offering audiophile-level sound quality.

Just like the sound, the Yamaha soundbars do offer advancement in technology. Most of the Yamaha soundbars do come with WIFI connectivity, which allows you to connect the Yamaha soundbar to the TV using WIFI connectivity.

Here, we have compiled this complete step-by-step guide, which you can follow to connect the Yamaha soundbar to the WIFI quite easily.

Steps for Connecting the Yamaha Soundbar to WIFI (With & Without Remote)

One of the most prominent ways to connect the Yamaha soundbar to the TV is by using a WIFI connection. Unlike the other connection types, there is no clutter of cables in this connectivity method, also, there is no interference in this method as well.

However, not many people are aware of the connectivity issues associated with WIFI connectivity.

Thus, we have compiled these steps which you can follow to easily connect the Yamaha soundbar to WIFI.

Step 1: Put the Yamaha Soundbar in the WIFI Pairing Mode

Put the Yamaha Soundbar in the WIFI Pairing Mode

In the very first step, you need to put the Yamaha soundbar into the pairing mode. There are two ways of putting the Yamaha soundbar into the pairing mode. The first one is by using the “WIFI” button on the Yamaha soundbar, and the other one is by using the source button on the Yamaha soundbar remote.

When you are done putting the Yamaha soundbar into the WIFI pairing mode, you need to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Connecting the Yamaha Soundbar to Mobile Phone

Connecting the Soundbar to the Mobile Phone

After putting the soundbar into the pairing mode, you need to connect the soundbar to the mobile phone. The process of connecting the soundbar to the mobile phone is pretty straightforward. You need to open the Bluetooth, and scan for nearby devices, Finally, select the soundbar from the available Bluetooth devices, and you are good to go.

Step 3: Downloading the Yamaha Soundbar App

Downloading the Yamaha Soundbar App

When you are done connecting the Yamaha soundbar to the mobile phone, it’s now time to download the “Yamaha Soundbar Controller” application, either from the PlayStore or the App Store, depending upon the OS of your smartphone.

After finishing the installation process of the application, you need to open the “Yamaha Soundbar” app and set up the wizard.

Step 4: Connecting it to the WIFI

Connecting to the WIFI

In the fourth and final step of the wizard, you need to connect the Yamaha soundbar. When you have connected the soundbar to the mobile phone, search for the Yamaha soundbar, and then click on the “Connect to WIFI” button. By clicking on this button, you can easily connect it to the WIFI.

Why My Yamaha Soundbar Not Connecting to WIFI?

Why My Yamaha Soundbar Not Connecting to WIFI

If your Yamaha soundbar is not connecting to the WIFI network, don’t get worried, By following this step-by-step tutorial you can easily fix the issue in which there is a connectivity problem on the Yamaha soundbar.

Here are the Steps for Connecting the Yamaha Soundbar to the WIFI Which is Having Issues:

  • Rebooting is the most common, and easiest fix, which can help you get rid of the connectivity issues on your soundbar. You need to reboot both the soundbar and the WIFI router to overrule any issue with the system cache.
  • In the second step, you need to check out, whether there is an update available for your soundbar app or not, as there is sometimes an issue with the soundbar application, which does not allow you to connect to the internet.
  • Likewise, you also need to check the distance between the soundbar, and the WIFI router, if the distance between the two is too high, you can face connectivity issues.
  • In the final step, you need to reset both devices to get rid of the issue in which the soundbar does not connect to the WIFI network.

How to Connect Yamaha YAS-209 to WIFI?

How to Connect Yamaha YAS-209 to WIFI

Don’t know how to connect the Yamaha YAS-209 soundbar to the WIFI? Below, we have provided you with an easy step-by-step guide that you can follow on the YAS-209 soundbar to connect it to the internet.

Here, are the steps for connecting the Yamaha YAS-209 to the WIFI network.

  • Put the Yamaha YAS-209 soundbar into the WIFI pairing mode.
  • Afterward, you need to connect the Yamaha YAS-209 to the mobile phone by using Bluetooth connectivity.
  • After connecting the soundbar to the mobile, you need to download the “Yamaha Soundbar Controller” application.
  • Pass the wizard on the soundbar application.
  • In the final step, you need to connect the Yamaha soundbar to the WIFI, by clicking on the “Connect to the WIFI” button.

Yamaha YAS-209 Not Connecting to WIFI

Yamaha YAS-209 Not Connecting to WIFI

Yamaha YAS-209 is a great quality Soundbar by Yamaha that offers superior quality sound and comes with WIFI connectivity. In case, you are having a hard time while connecting the Yamaha YAS-209 to the TV using the WIFI connectivity, don’t get worried, there are some quick tricks that you can use to get rid of this issue.

We have compiled these in the form of a step-by-step action guide that you can follow to resolve the issue.

  • When your Yamaha YAS-209 soundbar is not connecting to the internet, the first step that you need to do is to reboot both devices. This means you need to reboot the soundbar, as well as the router. The majority of the time, this resolves the issue.
  • Next, you also need to check the passcode of the WIFI, in case the password you are entering is not correct, you won’t be able to login into the system.
  • In the third step, you need to check whether the distance between the soundbar, and the router isn’t too long, and the signals are weak. Sometimes, the signals between the router and the soundbar are weak which does not allow you to connect to the WIFI, and in case it connects to the WIFI, it disconnects immediately. So, you need to check out the distance between the soundbar, and the router.
  • Lastly, if none of the above-provided methods is working for you, then you need to factory reset both the Yamaha soundbar and the WIFI router.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do I Reset My Yamaha Soundbar WIFI?

There are times when we need to connect the Yamaha soundbar to another WIFI network. The procedure for resetting the Yamaha soundbar is quite straightforward. Firstly, you need to open the “Yamaha Soundbar Controller” application. When you are done opening the application, you need to search your soundbar from the list of available options. Disconnect the soundbar from the previous network, and finally connect the Yamaha soundbar to the new WIFI network.

How Do I Connect My Yamaha to WIFI?

Connecting WIFI to the Yamaha soundbar involves several steps. Below, we have provided you with these steps in great detail.

  • First of all, you need to put the Yamaha soundbar in the WIFI pairing mode. You can do this either by using the buttons on the soundbar or by using the remote.
  • Afterward, you need to connect the Yamaha soundbar to the mobile phone by using Bluetooth connectivity.
  • In the third step, you need to download the “Yamaha Soundbar Controller” app.
  • Do the setup wizard on the application, and finally click on the “Connect to the WIFI” button and you are good to go.

Do Yamaha Soundbars Come with WIFI?

Most of the newer Yamaha soundbars do come with the WIFI technology, however, not all the Yamaha soundbars come with the WIFI. Thus, before you get a soundbar, you need to check whether the Yamaha soundbar you are getting comes with WIFI connectivity or not.


Connecting the Yamaha soundbar to the WIFI is not as straightforward as the other connectivity methods on the Yamaha soundbars. Thus, we have compiled this complete step-by-step guide in which we have provided you with different methods for easy WIFI connectivity.

Not only we have provided you with a complete step-by-step guide, but also, the method that you can use to get rid of the common connectivity issues.

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